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India urges the United Nations to work closely with Member States 

by T. Vishnudatta Jayaraman
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India recently called on the United Nations (UN) to collaborate more closely with its member states to ensure that the General Assembly spearheads a global agenda. This appeal, at a time when the UN is continuing implementation of the bi-annual resolution adopted by member states last year, highlights the world body’s pivotal role in addressing international issues. 

Speaking at the “Ninth Interactive Dialogue Revitalization of the Work of the General Assembly,” on June 28, 2024, India’s Deputy Permanent Representative, Ambassador Yojna Patel noted, “The Secretariat must work together with the member states to ensure that the General Assembly takes the lead in setting the global agenda and restoring the primacy of the United Nations in adopting a multilateral approach to resolve existing and emerging global challenges.”

Underscoring that “the primacy and legitimacy of the General Assembly flows from the inclusive nature of its membership and the principle of sovereign equality of all its constituents” Ambassador Patel emphasized that the universal nature of the General Assembly and the significant “moral weight of its decisions and opinions” cannot be overstated.  

“Thus, we continue to seek close consultation and active feedback mechanisms between member states and the Secretariat to ensure that all provisions are implemented as per the wishes of the member states, as expressed in the resolution we unanimously adopted last year,” she added. 

Ambassador Patel further conveyed the need to address the increasing perception that the General Assembly has drifted from its core responsibilities and become “overwhelmed with processes.” Therefore, adequate focus must be placed on streamlining and rationalizing the General Assembly’s efforts to ensure its effectiveness.

“India has always been of the view that the General Assembly can be revitalized only when its position as the primary deliberative, policy- making and representative organ of the United Nations is respected in letter and in spirit,” added Ambassador Patel. “Thus, Article 10 of the UN Charter which mandates the General Assembly can discuss any question or matter within the scope of the Charter or relating to the powers and functions of any organs provided for in the Charter, must be implemented in letter and in spirit.”

Ambassador Patel highlighted India’s appeal for “more effective working methods, and better and inclusive engagement among member states during the negotiation processes in the General Assembly, as also reiterated in the GA resolution” while reminding that revitalizing the General Assembly is a crucial and should be an immediate obligation for everyone. 

She went on to say that the revitalization of the General Assembly is crucial to “multipolarity, rebalancing and fair globalization,” as advocated by the Global South for “reformed multilateralism” with a focus on Security Council reforms.


Under Secretary-General for Operational Support, Dr. Atul Khare addressing the gathering on June 28, 2024, at the United Nations in New York. PHOTO: Screengrab from UNTV

Under Secretary-General for Operational Support, Dr. Atul Khare, while providing an update about the ongoing work, reminded that in 2018 a comprehensive survey to assess the facility’s accessibility was undertaken by experts. They aimed to identify areas needing improvements or additional accommodations beyond those already implemented by the capital master plan, aligning with the latest accessibility standards of the host country. 

Dr. Khare noted that because of the survey, significant improvements were undertaken and completed in 2023. He also spoke of the ongoing efforts to modify the General Assembly rostrum lift to accommodate additional functionality, expressing hope that the updates will be completed ahead the High-level Week for the General Assembly in September.

“Continuing this effort in 2024, the department will be pursuing a follow up assessment report with the on call architectural firm to identify further improvements that should be realized and implemented,” added Dr. Khare. “The assessment will provide us with a future roadmap on the accessibility enhancement program to better serve the experience of persons with disabilities at the United Nations complex.”

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